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Warriors Dont Cry :: essays research papers

Warriors Don’t Cry Melba Pattillo Beals-A lesser when she entered Central High School, Melba did a great deal of growing up that y...

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Warriors Dont Cry :: essays research papers

Warriors Don’t Cry Melba Pattillo Beals-A lesser when she entered Central High School, Melba did a great deal of growing up that year. With the Supreme Court toppling their choice, that day of that choice, on her path home from school she was assaulted and nearly assaulted. She persevered through a ton of badgering that year. She got her heels stepped on between each class and was scorched by the water when she attempted to shower after rec center class. She had all her garments splashed on by ink and she got her eyes showered with corrosive which made her need to wear glasses. That equivalent year she survived what should be the most joyful time of a young ladies live. She got her first beau and had her first date, however everything she would ever consider was the manner by which she was going to endure her following day. Albeit in the end she happened to make a companion (Link) that helped her by revealing to her places to maintain a strategic distance from, he was unable to be found in broad daylig ht with her. That year Melba turned 16 and however that year she had no one go to her gathering because of the way that they were terrified to approach her home because of all the bomb dangers everyone particularly the Little Rock Nine were getting. Ordinary turned into a battle for Melba, she woke-up, got dressed and went to class were she attempted to make herself not seen to evade the badgering, at that point she needed to offer meetings to correspondents (which she had established that that was her future occupation), and afterward returned home to an interminable ringing telephone from dangers or plain old hang ups. That year she needed to due without a great deal of the high school things, when her companion Minnijean was ousted, she had nobody to converse with, at home or at school. After that awful year Melba spent at Central, she didn't return there for her senior year. Rather, she went to remain at the home of Dr. George McCabe and his better half Carol in the Santa Rosa, California. Dr. Lois Peyton Pattillo (Mother Lois)- Giving birth to a debilitated child that day that Pearl Harbor was besieged begun the life of Melba Pattillo Beals. Mother Lois was one of the principal African American to coordinate the University of Arkansas where she got her master’s in instruction. She filled in as a seventh grade English instructor and was the primary wellspring of pay for her family.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Playing Upon the String of Emptiness Essay

These days, the quest for something new has been significantly sought after. The accessibility of assets helped people to enhance. It instigates them to work past the current guidelines and outperforming constraints, be it in the field of music, engineering, writing, and so on. The advancement of this world brought upon by globalization made it simpler to arrive at societies. Societies that were limited by their physical regions before have been available in light of present day advancements. This simple, boundless introduction gives unlimited thoughts and developments that realize various gems. For Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, this endless progression of developments or oddities offers unlimited settings for craftsmen to deliver their worksâ€venues that are liberated from rules and don't comply with a specific arrangement of norms. As per him, this represents a danger to the ethical quality of society just as of the artists’. He contended that oddity is a craftsmanship with boundless opportunity and consequently compares to a cruel workmanship. This viewpoint was clarified with regards to Russian’s battle with socialism which Solzhenitsyn straightforwardly experienced. He concentrated on the disintegration of arts’ standard after the fall of Communism, explicitly with writing. Because of the given opportunity, expressions don't fall under a lot of measures, making the masterful worth endure. He at that point related that Communism advanced another general public. To have the option to construct another one, the old societies and customs ought to be discarded: To begin another world is to begin without any preparation. Solzhenitsyn at that point contrasted this circumstance with the scholarly craftsmen in his nation. They were composing by and large reactions of each part of Russian roots like language, religion, and conventional culturesâ€a move that was so urgent for a change to be made by who he named as ‘desperate innovators’. The creator objected to overlooking the underlying foundations of any masterful work, for this is significant in the advancement of another face of craftsmanship. Solzhenitsyn doesn't have faith in the forceful advance of pointing forward in expressions of the human experience beginning from nothing. Oddity gets tenacious with the nonappearance of antiquated roots. It is a garbled workmanship with no noteworthy incentive to the worldâ€an craftsmanship without a reason and is futile. Solzhenitsyn refered to what sorts of expressions were delivered on account of the wild eyed oddity furor. Expressions of the human experience emerging from curiosity doesn't have that profound association from the craftsman with the world. Since the ‘great social tradition’ has been segregated, the profound grounds that were created from it are absent also. Expressions were not created for a more noteworthy reason any longer. In this manner, it doesn't radiate a higher feeling of significant worth for the world. It is decreased to an insignificant presentation without a significant noteworthiness. It was from the author’s perception that the nonappearance of aesthetic cutoff points has brought about flightiness and aloofness. Solzhenitsyn referenced the ‘what do you care’ mentality of the Russian scholars who made artistic works when the restriction has been lifted after the ruin of socialism. This sort of creative attitude estranges the government assistance of its crowd. The line among good and bad has gotten more slender, its limits foggy and in some cases trading. Expressions of the human experience, as indicated by Solzhenitsyn, have been transformed into to a greater degree an individual aspiration of the craftsmen as opposed to a deliberate result of enthusiasm and love. He focused on that specialists don't bring the world as the subject; they are the point of convergence. Human expressions turned into a development of individual interests of the craftsmen. Curiosity becomes like a scene for gesture. Returning to Solzhenitsyn principle contention, curiosity became merciless in light of the fact that it killed the old style establishment of expressions. Expressions can't push for advancement if its establishment will be overlooked. It would be progressively problematic on the off chance that it will be compelled to advance forcefully with no essentials to back it up. Alexander Solzhenitsyn considers curiosity to be a reason for a more individualistic nature as opposed to being collective in collaboration. He was frightened by how the present age reacted to old customs. These customs were treated as something pointless and unimportant in the present. Oddity was depicted by the creator as something hostile to social and opposing of anything all around acknowledged. The truism ‘to every howdy own’ in expressions or by and large comprises darken differentiation among great and abhorrence. Another supporting element for Solzhenitsyn’s contention is that this specific opportunity joined with curiosity formed into a negative relativity. This has been grasped by youthful specialists who transform self-articulation into an absence of affectability with respect with the impacts of their work to others. Social duty gradually stopped to exist any longer. Masterful opportunity has consistently been accepted to be useful in expanding an artist’s work. Notwithstanding, Alexander Solzhenitsyn introduced a contrary view. The opportunity vested on the craftsman infers a danger of creating a workmanship with is an a lot lesser worth. With no aesthetic constraints and no standards to follow, workmanship turns out to be to a lesser degree a diversion as opposed to filling a more serious need. Solzhenitsyn accentuated the need to consider the social convention on the grounds that without it, progress will be outlandishly effective. He considers curiosity to be a pattern coming about in chaosâ€socially and ethically problematic. It advances an independence that is clearly egotistical and partitions mankind considerably more. Developments ought to be made to support others. Expressions might be an ordered yield of an individual’s special aptitudes and abilities, yet there will consistently be an obligation appended to it since individuals get the chance to get a handle on these works. A workmanship is a tremendous factor in adding to the development of a belief system in a general public. It is an amazing asset to proliferate a message that can arrive at countless individuals. Henceforth, Solzhenitsyn considers its to be as basic since this will figure out where the world will head. The world won't have the option to push ahead without returning to and considering the past. The social customs inside human culture ought to be implanted for improvement. It is a significant premise to gain from past mix-ups and to enhance the present. It very well may be seen that Solzhenitsyn by one way or another perspectives persistent oddity as the political agitation of workmanship that will later on rise above into society. He referenced the nonattendance of laws during the time spent expressions and the absence of unadulterated fact of the matter. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn gave the perspective on oddity encased in a careless bunch of opportunity and an absence of customary grounds. He introduced it as something pessimistic on the grounds that he had seen what it did to his kin particularly to the more youthful ages. As a craftsman himself, the creator represents a colossal worry on what sort of headings expressions of the human experience would take since he knows the ground-breaking impact of it to the general public. He wants to spread his view to cause the more youthful ages to be uncovered of what history has brought the Russian nation and what were its suggestions. Solzhenitsyn immovably accepts that through history, it might shape the new specialists to work for a more noteworthy reason for mankind.

Monday, July 6, 2020

   I am presently in an unusual position. My children have reached the age where one is in high school, one is dual-enrolled in college and high school, and one is enrolled full-time in college. As a lifelong homeschooler, I have been fascinated to see how other teachers address assignments and assessments. I have seen a very clear division line. In about half of the cases, the college professors assign very few gradable assignments. Most of these are very large in scope, consisting of large papers, huge tests, or mid-term/end-of-course exams. The other half take a different approach. Eschewing the large-scale point value assignments, they elect instead to assign more frequent, shorter assignments. The question is, which method produces the greatest amount of learning? Each of my children have distinct personalities. One of them is a studier. When he faces a big assignment, he disappears into his room and studies for hours and days at a time. He tends to stop eating while he focuses his full attention on the upcoming assignment. All of that time and effort pays off with his grade, but he feels the stress and the pressure of it all. I’m never surprised when he comes down with a cold after these deadlines and needs to rest and recover for a long time afterwards. Sometimes the information sticks; sometimes it doesn’t. One of my other children has an opposite response. When he sees a large assignment looming on the horizon, he immediately launches into approach/avoidance tactics and then plunges into cramming at the last minute for whichever exam or assessment he’s facing. It usually pays off for him, too, and he ends up with an A or a B. That’s why I believe he keeps this modus operandi in motion. If it didn’t work, he might try a different approach. The trouble is, after it’s all said and done, he can’t remember much about what he studied at all. However, when either of my children are in classes with short, frequent assessments, they each experience success with less stress. My studier spends less time studying because the assignments have less overall impact on his grade, and my avoider no longer avoids because there are regular assignments that he can manage planning for well. No longer experiencing the â€Å"spikes† of intense, high-stakes assignments, the study load levels out. From the perspective of mama, the choice is clear. In the courses where my older two children have had short, frequent assessments, they have not only received A grades, but they also asserted they felt like they had gained much more mastery over the material. Also, I noticed that when my children took these classes, they enjoyed them much more and were less stressed. My anecdotal experience is bolstered by research, too. According to Scott Warnock, Ph.D., frequent, low-stakes (FLS) grading â€Å"provides grade transparency for students and creates a steady information flow† which, in turn, provides motivation. Dr. Warnock continues his assertion by stating an instructor â€Å"can remove unproductive grading pressure, encourage intellectual risk-taking, and discourage plagiarism/cheating† when she employs FLS grading strategies. IEW also understands this. In fact, Andrew Pudewa mentions the benefits of short, frequent assignments in the instructor course, Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. By including weekly writing assignments and regular practice exercises, students are growing their writing skills regularly. All of these assignments add up, too. Because rubrics make the assignments very clear, each student has a focused objective and a 100% grade within his grasp. By the end of the year, students have a bevy of papers practiced and published to prove their growing competence in writing. The stakes are low. Satisfaction is high. Success is attainable. My boys aren’t likely to change their study methods any time soon, but they are both beginning to check out their prospective professors before they enroll to see how their classes are structured. I’m hoping more and more professors will approach their classes in a way that actually works for all students.    Works Cited Warnock, Scott. â€Å"Frequent, Low-Stakes Grading: Assessment for Communication, Confidence.†         Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Learning, April 18, 2013,   Ã‚     Ã‚  www.facultyfocus.com/articles/educational-assessment/frequent-low-stakes-grading-assessment-   Ã‚     Ã‚  for-communication-confidence/.    Jennifer Mauser  has always loved reading and writing and received a B.A. in English from the University of Kansas in 1991. Once she and her husband had children, they decided to homeschool, and she put all her training to use in the home. In addition to homeschooling her children, Jennifer teaches IEW classes out of her home, coaches budding writers via  email,  and tutors students who struggle with dyslexia.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Benefits of a Standing Desk and Risks of Sitting

Standing desks offer many benefits for your health and ergonomics. Break free from the chains of sitting at a desk and stand up for yourself and your health. Health Benefits of a Standing Desk The first major benefit of using a standing desk is avoiding all of the negatives that make sitting at a desk bad for you! Sitting for long periods of time causes metabolic issues–you dont produce chemicals necessary for processing sugars and fats, and your circulation suffers. Your skeleton and muscles form a reactive frame for your body which wants to move and respond to outside forces. Additionally, your muscles need to regularly flex to support healthy functions and chemical production. Standing allows your body to adjust and move easily, flexing your muscles continuously. It also keeps your blood circulating well. Movement regulates your blood sugar and keeps your blood pressure lower. And this lets you live longer! Risks of Sitting Sitting increases your chances of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and blood clots or thrombosis. Studies have shown some dramatic effects of sitting for long periods of time. Those who sit a lot are 54 percent more likely to have a heart attack. Men who sit more than six hours a day have a 20 percent higher mortality rate; women have a 40 percent higher mortality rate. If you sit for more than 23 hours a week, you are 64 percent more likely to die from heart disease. In addition, studies have also shown that regular exercise does not counteract the effects of prolonged sitting. The only way to reduce or eliminate the negative impact of prolonged sitting is to not do it. Working at a standing desk will accomplish that for most people. Another benefit of a standing desk is that you burn more calories throughout the day. That will help with weight loss or maintain a healthy weight. Standing while working will burn one-third more calories than sitting will, which could account for an additional 500 calories burned in a day. Standing Can Reduce Pain There is anecdotal and scientific evidence to show that standing while working will alleviate back pain and other repetitive stress injuries. The problem usually comes from not using your back enough. When you sit, you dont hold your upper body with your muscles; rather, you let the chair hold you. This leads significant compression within the chest and abdominal cavities, slouching of the shoulders and rolling of the spine. These are classic causes of repetitive stress injuries and back pain. Working at a standing desk will keep your core and back muscles engaged throughout the day and improve your posture. Mental Benefits of Standing Another benefit of a standing desk is an increase in your focus, alertness, and activity level. When standing, it is easier to release restless energy. Combine that with the good circulation, stable blood sugar, and an active metabolism, and it is easier to focus on the task at hand. Standing while working will burn one-third more calories. Many authors and statesmen throughout the centuries who swear by working at a standing desk have claimed that it helps get the creative juices flowing. It also fights fatigue and improves lethargy. While this may sound like a contradiction, it is not. Standing while working helps fight off the naturally occurring slumps and bouts of fatigue that often happen mid-morning or early afternoon. Those are often related to metabolic drops after meals are processed by the body. Keeping your blood sugar level helps avoid those. Staying active and releasing restless energy also promotes a satisfying tiredness when it is time to sleep. Your mind isnt racing and your body is ready to rest.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie The Film - 862 Words

I was not planning on reviewing this before it aired, but after screening it, I was so utterly impressed with this movie--seriously, it is one of the best Hallmark films I have seen in a long time. And I don t say that glibly by any means. I know I am known for my positive reviews, but this one goes far beyond that. I never once had to remind myself to concentrate on the positive aspects of the film. The acting, the story, and the message were one of the finest Hallmark has featured in some time. Not to mention, it was gentle, amusing, and genuinely enjoyable family viewing. At the beginning of the film, we are introduced to Maya and Addison as played by Rachael and Hannah respectively. To be honest, Rachael was new to me--I am far behind on television films from the past. I am playing proverbial catch-up right now. Hannah was a returning favorite from both October Kiss and even My Sweet Adrina. Both actresses were enchanting, and I could sympathize with single mother Maya dropping off her techie daughter at summer camp. I think many parents will understand the dilemma. What? No cell phones at camp? Rachael infused Maya s character with precisely the right kind of motherly intuition and skills (well, she is a mother in real life, and I would suppose that is advantageious in this situation). And Hannah characterizes Addison just as one would expect. Definitely a wonderful relationship between the two actresses to play such a convincing mother-daughter relationship onShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Movie Of A Film 2032 Words   |  9 Pagesthe auteur c ategory of films, we went from films having a clear plot, ending, and meaning, to films having endings, plots, and meanings the audience had to actually sit and think about to find to find out what exactly the director was trying to portray. This is caused by directors that are considered auteurs. These directors wanted their viewers to be able to come up with their own meaning instead of just giving it to them. They want the audience to think as they watch the movie, instead of sittingRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film And Film1109 Words   |  5 PagesEver since I could remember, I have been interesting in films and film memorabilia. It didn’t even have to be like legit props that were used on set of the films either, tie in products tickled my itch also. I vividly remember in 2007, having my mom drive me an hour away just so that I could get my hands on a box of Krusty-O’s that were a 7-11 exclusive cereal to promote The Simpsons Movie. I still have the box sitting on my shelf of important trinkets in my room, next to my Burger King exclusiveRead MoreFilm Analysis : Movie, Film, And Films1706 Words   |  7 PagesBackground As a medium, films act as a very effective medium to share the stories and affecting people’s life. Since ancient times, the stage has been utilized to tell stories. When the motion picture was invented in the 19th century, it instantaneously captivates the world. Films have the power to hypnotize, bringing its viewer to certain realms. With its power to subdue its subject, film becomes a vocal tool to get inside people’s mind. Just like literature, film also creates and promotes culturesRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film Analysis Of The Movie The Help796 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Help† Analysis Paper During the 1960’s , americans underwent an era of critical issues in the United States. Throughout this time, the United States was in a stage of racial issues where racism was still openly accepted of society. The struggle by African-Americans to achieve rights equal to those that white people received was also known as the Civil Rights Movement. That included having an opportunity in employment, voting rights, having access to public facilities, education andRead MoreFilm Analysis : Movie Of A Film 1233 Words   |  5 PagesFor anyone who has ever watched a film is a critic in some form. They judge various aspects based on personal feelings or attitudes, then state them for anybody to hear. I, the writer, am guilty of this type of film analysis. I based my ‘review’ of a film solely on how I felt the narrative evolved or how well the acting was done. I never considered why the rhetor of film choose certain details or what might have influenced the rhe tor in the first place. However, through this course I was exposedRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film And Film870 Words   |  4 Pagesthe storylines of films and helps categorise them in order to be identified when people come to look for a film to maybe help determine whether you are going to like the film or not. Genre can set scenes in order for us to know what type of film we may be watching e.g.: if you were to be watching a horror film you would have spooky, dull and dark lighting. This would set the scene letting us know that this film will most likely be a horror film. Knowing the type of genre of the film you are watchingRead MoreMovie Analysis : The Movie The Film 2659 Words   |  11 Pagesa decade old. All the youngsters in these educational doldrums had fluffy feathered mullets and strong cockney accents, film locations were churlish high-rise council blocks that surmounted concrete doom in its infrastructure. And a cast of dreadful actors so utterly depressing to look a t you had to wonder where their future in acting ended up. We had to view these insipid films on a geriatric Sony trinitron, snuggled in a cardigan of wood, volume exceedingly loud you could hear a margin of whiteRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Film 1099 Words   |  5 Pagesother videos because it discussed different qualities the city has. I believe that Third Ward is a city where many of its residents are over looked by people in the city next to it, Houston. This video was produced by Andrew Garrison in 2007. In the film the director does an amazing job of highlighting the main problems of Third Ward TX. He also does a good job of highlighting the good things about it. They show the poor part of Texas where they have taken the old houses and renovated them. They madeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Film 1715 Words   |  7 PagesMichael Hughes Romero (the movie) is a biopic movie released in 1989 American biopic which depicts the life and death of the Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, who led peaceful protests against a violent military regime and made sure the people knew the truth, even though this ended up costing him his life. He is portrayed in the movie by Raul Julia. Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdà ¡mez was born in 1917 and died March 24 1980. Romero was a high ranking member of the Catholic Church, who served asRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film 1250 Words   |  5 PagesThe film I chose to analyze is Need for Speed. This film portrays two different characters who play on opposite sides of morality. One, Dino, is a character who is selfish, lack morals, and is an a-typical jerk. He does not accept consequences, and puts his own needs and wants above anyone else, no matter the ramifications. The other is the character of Toby who is a direct contrast. While Toby may be spurred by justice throughout the film, he is consistently focused his morals, who constantly is

Management Accounting for ABC Costing - MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Management Accounting for ABC Costing. Answer: Introduction Activity Based Costing or commonly known as ABC Costing is one of the most efficient process to determine the cost of production of the business organizations. The main objective of this article is to enquire the improvements in the financial performance of the businesses with the adoption of the ABC costing (Cagwin and Bouwman 2002). As per this article, there are certain conditions under which the organizations can avail the advantages of ABC costing (Cagwin and Bouwman 2002). The study shows that there is a deep relationship between the ABC costing and the Return on Investment of the companies that can be jointly held responsible for the improved financial performance of the organizations. Two objectives work behind the adoption of ABC costing by the companies. First, to assists the organizations in the process of strategic decision-making process; and second, to assist the organizations in improving the profit performance. However, several opinions are there regarding the efficie ncy of ABC costing. Several accountants all over the world raise questions about the usefulness of ABC costing. For this purpose, there is a need for empirical research to discuss both the usefulness and constraints of ABC costing implementation in the businesses. As per this article, in the complex business situations, the companies can get the most of the advantages of ABC costing like intense competitions, sophisticated information technology, complex businesses processes of the firms and others (Cagwin and Bouwman 2002). The variables of this research has effectively taken into consideration all these above mentioned factor at the time of measuring the efficiency of ABC costing in firms performances (Cagwin and Bouwman 2002). For this research, a cross sectional mail survey has been conducted with 1058 internal auditors assuming that they would provide knowledgeable and unbiased opinion about the cost system of the companies (Cagwin and Bouwman 2002). Three hypotheses have been formed for this research. A particular model has been taken into consideration to prove the efficiency of ABC costing. The model is as follows: ROI = f (ABC, enabling variables, control variables) In the above equation, ROI denotes the change in return on investments in the prior three or five years. As per the findings of the research, there are some positive synergistic effects of the adoption of ABC costing that provides better performance of the organizations (Cagwin and Bouwman 2002). However, there are some areas that need further research like what are the most optimal combinations of initiatives for deriving the advantages of ABC costing and others. Furthermore, the findings of this research have spotted a positive relationship between the ABC costing and ROI improvements in the most complex business situations. Another important finding of this research is the effects of the other enabling conditions like the sophistication of information technology, competitive business environment, less capacity and others. It has been seen that all these aspects affects the process of ABC costing in the organizations. The previously used measured to determine the success of ABC cos ting is major predictors of the financial performance of the firms. This research process has also stated that there are ample opportunities for future research programs to analyze and evaluate the efficiency of ABC costing in increasing the performance of the firms (Cagwin and Bouwman 2002). References Cagwin, D. and Bouwman, M.J., 2002. The association between activity-based costing and improvement in financial performance. Management accounting research,13(1), pp.1-39.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mktg Plan for Jollibee free essay sample

Jollibee’s growth is due to its delicious menu line-up – like its superior-tasting Chickenjoy, mouth-watering Yumburger and Champ hamburger, and deliciously satisfying Jollibee Spaghetti -ably complemented with creative marketing programs, and efficient manufacturing and logistics facilities. It is made possible by well-trained teams that work in a culture of integrity and humility, fun and family-like. Every Jollibee outlet welcomes customers with a clean and warm in-store environment and friendly and efficient service. And it is this tried and tested formula of delivering great-tasting food, adherence to world class operating standards and the universal appeal of the family values the brand represents that are driving the expansion of Jollibee both locally and in the overseas market. BUSINESS TREND ANALYSIS Fast food or quick service restaurants have come a long way since 1921 when White Castle, the first fast food hamburger chain, sold burgers at five cents apiece and ended its first day with a US. We will write a custom essay sample on Mktg Plan for Jollibee or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 75 profit. Arguably, AW was the first fast food restaurant having sold the first frosty mug of AW root beer for one nickel in 1919. In the Philippines, Tropical Hut Hamburger is reputedly the first hamburger chain dating back to 1965. The trend of eating out spending and fast food expansion as a vehicle to growth will continue as long as there is fierce competition in the workplace. The drive towards competitiveness with longer working hours and no time for home cooking coupled with the peoples continuing desire for new fast food concepts will allow innovative and progressive food chains to prosper. A downside to this is the changing eating habits, which some researches suggest has led to an unhealthy lifestyle. However, fast foods have been made aware of this situation and are starting to offer healthier options. The fast food industry is not without its challenges, especially in the United States. From rising food costs, economic recession and changing perceptions about health, many fast food franchises have been feeling some heat. But rather than flee from this challenge, the fast food industry has been adopting new practices and offering new products. Modern society is on the go, and there is plenty of demand for a quick bite at all times of the day. Fast food franchising opportunities exist in the â€Å"traditional† spaces like burgers and pizza, but are also sprouting up in healthy and unique ways as well. The fast food industry, also known as Quick Service Restaurants (QSR), has been serving up tasty morsels for as long as people have lived in cities. The modern system of fast food franchising is believed to have started in the mid 1930’s when Howard Johnson franchised his second location to a friend as a means to expand operations during the Great Depression. And oh how it has grown! As cars became commonplace, the drive-thru concept brought explosive growth to the idea of food-on-the go. â€Å"Fast Food† was added to the Merrion-Webster dictionary in 1951 and U. S. fast food companies are now franchised in over 100 countries. In the U. S. alone there are over 200,000 restaurant locations! Revenue has grown from $6 billion in 1970 to $160 billion last year, an 8. 6% annualized rate. Fast food franchises focus on high volume, low cost and high speed product.