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Warriors Don’t Cry Melba Pattillo Beals-A lesser when she entered Central High School, Melba did a great deal of growing up that y...

Friday, October 18, 2019

Challenges in Access Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Challenges in Access - Essay Example Uninsured individuals have difficulty in access to suitable health care. There are approximately 41-50 million uninsured individuals in the country. They are the low-income segment that represents the leading portion of those who lack insurance since they cannot afford to insure themselves. In addition, the numbers of underinsured middle-income persons is almost at a similar level. The leading portion of the populace that is deficient of health insurance is usually families of African Americans and Hispanics. Novel medical advancements promise improved services to all. However, the number of persons who lack health coverage is still high. For instance, uninsured individuals receive reduced health care as compared to those who are insured. As a consequence, the health of the uninsured individuals suffers significantly. Individuals who are uninsured are less probable to receive preventative, as well as screening services. In addition, these individuals have difficulties in receiving su itable care with regard to chronic ailments and vehicular accidents. This quandary of access has been aggravated by the escalating prices of health care. This has presented an urgent predicament particularly for the low-income part of the society. This increase has been due to an increasing number of individuals with health problems. As a result, the number of individuals who require medication, as well as those who are uninsured, is increasing. Varied employers also do away with their health insurance strategies since they cannot pay for the premiums (McGrath, 2012). Providing and improving coverage for this populace will rely on states embracing policies that foster elevated enrollment in Medicaid and novel insurance exchanges (Collins, 2012). This dilemma can also be resolved through the provision of Universal Health Care Structure and other federal services (Affordable Health Act, 2011). Provision of Medicaid, as well as novel insurance exchanges,

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